10 Signs You’re FireFighting IT Problems Instead Of Being ProActive
One of the things that can stop your business from growing is your approach to IT. Instead of client service, sales or marketing, your team could be wasting hours dealing with computer problems.
Here are the top 10 signs you’re not being proactive with your IT:
- You’re fighting your IT problems instead.
- You hesitate to call for support because you are scared of what it will end up costing you.
- You just live with problems because they never seem to be fixed for good.
- You have computer related tasks that stress you out because you know problems will occur.
- You are frustrated because your email and other critical systems go down regularly.
- There is no IT plan and no quarterly reviews to make sure the IT plan is being followed.
- People around the office complain regularly about how many computer problems they’re having.
- IT purchasing is done last minute because of an unexpected issue instead of being part of the budget for the year.
- Computers get viruses, spyware or are generally really slow.
- Computers are replaced when they break down causing an emergency, instead of on an organized replacement cycle.
Are you ready to end the firefighting approach to IT in your business?
Give us a call at (416) 913-8998 – we’ll help you make that happen!