
Test Drive Our Tech Advice

At Techify, we’ve collaborated extensively across our teams to create assessments that deliver exceptional value. These assessments are designed to provide you with valuable insights into your technology landscape. With approximately 20 questions, we evaluate your responses and generate a score on a scale of 0 to 100. A score of 0 signifies urgent room for enhancement, while a score of 100 represents a tech landscape perfectly aligned with industry standards. Our assessments are prepared by industry experts and are regularly updated to meet evolving standards.

Knowing where you stand in your tech journey is a crucial part of embarking on digital transformation. Our assessments give you a clear perspective on your tech health, and we provide recommendations on prioritizing improvements. Best of all, these assessments are offered completely free of charge. Let us guide you toward a proactive, optimized technology strategy that will fuel your success.

  • Comprehensive Free Assessments
  • Tailored Technology Roadmap
  • Proactive Insights from Experts
Techify IT Services Team solving an IT Issue

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  • What to expect
  • Are you ready for AI?
  • Productivity Score
  • High-level adoption roadmap
  • What to Expect
  • Organization Cyber Risk Report
  • Cyber Risk Score
  • Critical Risks
  • Actionable Suggestions for Cybersecurity
  • What To Expect
  • Organization Technology Report
  • Technology Score
  • Highlight of Strengths, and Pinpoint Areas for Improvement to Avoid Downtime